Studio Visit With Painter Kristin Texeira
Artist Kristin Texeira talks about her memory maps
I had the pleasure of doing a little studio visit with painter Kristin Texeira in her Brooklyn Navy Yard studio just a couple of weeks ago. Kristin and I actually graduated from Mass Art the same year, and I've been a fan of her paintings ever since. They're colorful and vibrant and bold and... just see for yourself below. We chatted about when she first started referring to her paintings as Memory Maps, what it's been like to turn her artwork into a full time job, and how she'd like to grow and develop as an artist, a painter, and a woman in business.
Not only is Kristin an inspiration because of the work she makes, but she's also such a kind & sweet soul. You can shop her paintings (and other works) and make your very own home a little brighter here;
Here's a little Q&A we did;
Tell us a little bit about yourself - just a little intro please. Hello my name is… ;)
Hey! My name is Kristin Texeira and I'm a painter.
-Do you have a morning ritual/How do you start most days?
I try and leave my apartment by 8 - either take a run or get the day going at a coffee shop. I write out my daily to-do list, answers whatever emails I need to get back to, and then get to work at my studio in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
-What’s your favorite thing about your studio space?
I rent the back area of an old letterpress print shop so I'm surrounded by old beautiful machines, drawers of type and oddball antique fans etc. The vibe, the light, and the cozy clutter are my favorite things about the space.
-What does your dream studio look & feel like?
I think I'm in it -- if I had one fat, white wall that would top it off.
And someday, when I'm an old lady I'll have a barn to myself next to my crummy shack by the sea -- the barn studio will be bigger than the house.
-How often do you change up your decor at home?
Just nestled into a new spot so I'll be tinkering until the end of time.
-How has your process developed as an artist?
I started off doing more representational work - still lives, landscapes etc. Realized that color was the main element in why I was drawn to paint. So, I started to use color in different ways -- creating puzzles, stories, math problems etc and solving them with color.
-Where are you favorite places to make work outside of your studio?
Anywhere that has good light and a table.
-What are your current inspirations?
Fishermen and boat builders.
-If you could do any other job in the world, what would it be?
Hip-hop dancer if I could hip-hop dance.
-Favorite place to relax?
Anywhere in the sun (especially by the sea).
-Tell us about a collaboration you did that you really enjoyed (please).
Worked most recently with TicTail painting their storefront in LES. It has been one of my favorite corners in NY since I moved here and it was amazing really being able to spend up-close and personal time with that street corner -- making a little mark on this big city.
-Any artists, designers, or companies you’d *love* to work on a project with?
-What’s your favorite part about doing a collaboration?
Sharing knowledge and skills and making new friends.
Kristin and "The Most Important Box Of Kristin's Life!! Save In The Event Of An Fire!"
The sweet treat I walked away with... a printed post card, Memory Map by Kristin Texeira. The day I visited her studio — August 15, 2017; misty indeed.